Investigating how to get drinking water from salt water – Robinson Crusoe style!

Year 6 used the idea of being stranded on a desert island like Robinson Crusoe to investigate how to get drinking water from salt water.  Through applying a heat source and exploring the concepts of evaporation and condensation they achieved success!

STEM Club become Honey Bee experts!

Children in STEM club became Honey Bee experts this afternoon.  Thanks to Sara Fletcher and ExpertEd they learnt all kinds of fascinating facts – did you know that…

  • You can tell the difference between male and female honey bees by the size of their eyes?
  • Honey bees do a waggle dance to tell other bees in the hive where to go for a good source of nectar?
  • Queen honey bees lay approximately 2,000 eggs per day in during June?

If you want to know more find a STEM club member and they will tell you other facts they have learnt!

Author Catherine Randall visits Year 6

Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed meeting author Catherine Randall this morning; they had a great time completing a workshop using her book ‘The White Phoenix’ as a stimulus.

If you want to find out more about Catherine Randall her website is


Year 2 London Day!

All Aboard!  The children had a fun-packed day full of interactive learning activities all about London.  These included:

  • A virtual bus tour to see the main sights of the city
  • Exploring an underground station and catching a tube train
  • Watching a theatre show
  • Looking at the sights from the top of the London Eye
  • Reading about Paddington Bear
  • Dance and drama based on The Great Fire of London
  • Afternoon tea at the Ritz!

Day 1 @ Arête

Watch this space for a short video showing the highlights of day 1.  For now, take a little look at these pictures of the beautiful weather and the fun of the first day…

Headteacher Message 25 March 2022

What a lovely and action packed week we have had here at Much Wenlock Primary School and Nursery.  From the oldest to the youngest, there has been something on offer for everyone.

Thank you to all those of you who joined the Nursery Mother’s Day Celebration yesterday afternoon, the sun shone and the children enjoyed being able to share what they have been working on with you.  Key Stage 1 children took advantage of participating in a dry cross-country event at Oldbury Wells last night, well done to everyone, they gave it their all and showed great sportsmanship.

Key Stage 2 children have enjoyed joining in with lunchtime football and practising their skills, with some of them going on to represent MWPS at William Brookes on Wednesday evening.  They were all fantastic.  Our Year 6 swimmers were relieved that it was a dry walk to and from the swimming pool this week – the amount of progress they have made in confidence and skill in the water over the course of the last few weeks has been amazing.

I can’t write a weekly round up without mentioning the Baby and Toddler Group that took place on Thursday morning; it was lovely to see so many of the younger members of our community coming into school and socialising – along with their parents/carers of course!

Finally, I would like to also say a thank you to all the staff throughout the school, your help this week has been hugely appreciated.  All being well Mr Litchfield will be better and back with us on Monday.

Enjoy the sunshine this weekend and year 6, get those bags packed ready for a week of fun and adventure in Arete!

Miss Turner

Year 2 DT – Moving Pictures

Year 2 really enjoyed exploring and evaluating moving picture books today.

Year 2 English

There’s nothing like reading a lovely story and Class 2 have been enjoying reading the ‘Crow’s Tale’ by Naomi Howarth.  We have been inspired to use it to write our own class story about a bear who overcomes danger to rescue his friends in the forest.  During the story the bear transforms in appearance, but his character remains brave and brilliant.  We hope you enjoy reading it so far…

Year 2 – PSHE

We have been learning about big feelings in Class 2.  What these look and feel like, what we can do when we have these feelings and we have been practising some lovely mindfulness techniques.

What a fantastic debate about whether whaling should be allowed or banned…

Well done everyone, I think you are all going to be fantastic at turning this into a written balanced argument over the next couple of weeks.

Dance Festival 2022

A huge well done to our amazing dancers who were a fantastic representation of MWPS tonight; you were superb and made us all so very proud! 😊

Year 2 Poetry Performance

We have been working really hard to learn all 14 verses of the poem ‘The Great Fire of London’ by Paul Perro and performed it for Mr Litchfield this week.  What an amazing performance Year 2!

Year 6 enjoyed investigating quadrilaterals using strips of paper/tracing paper. This lead onto focusing specifically on parallelograms and identifying their properties.

Year 2 have been getting into the swing of using Kinetic Letters ‘Animal Positions’ to help their muscles and ligaments work together to create stability.

Can you guess which animal position we are using? Meerkat, bear, lizard, penguin or stone lion?

Posting our letters

It was a nice afternoon, so we thought we’d take the opportunity to have a short walk and post the letters of reply to our loved ones.

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