Cogheart Complete!

Wow, what a finale! Year 6 have now finished Cogheart by Peter Bunzl and what a journey it has been. We only wish we could wind back the clocks and start again (pun fully intended)…

If you would like to continue the Cogheart magic and join Lily, Robert and the unflappable Malkin on their next adventures, then the next book is Moonlocket. Here are links to the books, available in all good bookshops.

Moonlocket By Peter Bunzl | Used | 9781474915014 | World of Books (

Moonlocket By Peter Bunzl

Home Learning 20.11.2023 – 24.11.2023

Please find information regarding this week’s home learning, set on Monday 20th November and due on Thursday 24th.

Students – try to log-on each evening, the earlier the better. A little practice a day, goes a long way.


This week’s Maths home learning is follows on from our learning in class on rounding, by looking at division, with remainders.

  1. Click the Mangahigh button to go to the log-in page
  2. Click ‘Assignments’
  3. Click play

Watch the videos to have your own personal teacher at home.

Remember to do little and often (we recommend between 10 – 20 minutes a night).

Have the Wenlock Olympian mindset of going for gold!


Log into SpellingFrame to find the spellings for this week, which are words ending in -able and -ible.

Practice/play as many games as you want for Spelling Points.

Do one test each night to measure your progress.

Although there are twelve words to practice, the test will only choose 5 of these words at random. Remember that Spelling Frame gives you multiple chances to learn the word if you make a mistake.

Half-Term One -> Half-Term Two

Hello all of Year 6!

I hope you all had a wonderful half-term amongst the wind and the rain and that you are healthy, well-rested and feeling ready to go again.

Firstly, we had a brilliant first half-term back at school, learning about the Second World War, reading the brilliant Cogheart (nearly finished), writing newspapers and short stories, painting tiles for the school’s 50th anniversary, playing hockey and netball and so much more!

With that, comes a new and exciting second half-term, all the way to C… (is it too early to say?)… Christmas! The class page has been updated but I will summarise the main changes below.

Here are some key changes to this term:

PE days will now be on Wednesdays and will be swimming

Our main learning focus in the afternoons will shift to Science (Light & Shadows)

Our class book changes to ‘When the Sky Falls’ by Philip Earle

The first week back will be National Music Week


We are very excited about welcoming Year 6 back for another great term!

See you all soon,

Mr Richards and Mrs Furber


Year 6 Home Learning 23.10.2023 – 25.10.2023



This week’s Maths home learning is follows on from our learning in class on rounding, by looking at estimating.

  1. Click the Mangahigh button to go to the log-in page
  2. Click ‘Assignments’
  3. Click play

Watch the videos to have your own personal teacher at home.

Remember to do little and often (we recommend between 10 – 20 minutes a night).

Have the Wenlock Olympian mindset of going for gold!


Log into SpellingFrame to find the spellings for this week, which are words ending in -ance and -ence.

Practice/play as many games as you want for Spelling Points.

Do one test each night to measure your progress.

Although there are twelve words to practice, the test will only choose 5 of these words at random. Remember that Spelling Frame gives you multiple chances to learn the word if you make a mistake.

Optional: Fancy a Challenge?

Challenges are on-going and have no due date. If students would like to show their creations, please tell their teacher so they can arrange a time for them to do a show and tell!

  • Log-on to Purple Mash and finish our coding lessons or create a new program from scratch!
  • Read this extract from Room 13 and create your own spooky opening, ready for Halloween!
  • Create some Halloween decorations and take photos for a portfolio
  • Use watercolours to create a spooky Friday the 13th scene
  • Autumn will soon be upon us. Get outside and create posters for Nursery and Reception on the ‘Signs of Autumn’

“Preparation for tomorrow is hard work today.” – Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee - IMDb


Year 6 Home Learning 16.10.2023 – 20.10.2023



This week’s Maths home learning is to “solving word problems using subtraction”

  1. Click the Mangahigh button to go to the log-in page
  2. Click ‘Assignments’
  3. Click play

Watch the videos to have your own personal teacher at home.

Remember to do little and often (we recommend between 10 – 20 minutes a night).

Have the Wenlock Olympian mindset of going for gold!


Log into SpellingFrame to find the spellings for this week, which go back to the -cial and -tial suffixes. There will be a quiz on these on Friday.

Practice/play as many games as you want for Spelling Points.

Do one test each night to measure your progress.

Although there are twelve words to practice, the test will only choose 5 of these words at random. Remember that Spelling Frame gives you multiple chances to learn the word if you make a mistake.

Optional: Fancy a Challenge?

Challenges are on-going and have no due date. If students would like to show their creations, please tell their teacher so they can arrange a time for them to do a show and tell!

  • Log-on to Purple Mash and finish our coding lessons or create a new program from scratch!
  • Read this extract from Room 13 and create your own spooky opening, ready for Halloween!
  • Create some Halloween decorations and take photos for a portfolio
  • Use watercolours to create a spooky Friday the 13th scene
  • Autumn will soon be upon us. Get outside and create posters for Nursery and Reception on the ‘Signs of Autumn’

“Preparation for tomorrow is hard work today.” – Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee - IMDb


Special Author Visit in Year 6


Year 6 were in for a surprise this afternoon when we were visited by Eden in Year 1. Eden had written her own story and Year 6 were lucky to have it read to them by the author herself!

“Eden, I loved how you read it so confidently!” – Max (Year 6)

“I really liked how fluent you were!” – Rosie (Year 6)

“I liked your drawings!” – Reuben (Year 6)

“I really enjoyed listening to your story.” Lydia (Year 6)

We were so lucky to have Eden join us and no doubt, she will have inspired some of the Year 6’s to go and write their own stories!

Thank you, Eden. We look forward to hearing more of your stories soon.

Year 6 Home Learning – Due Friday 13th October 2023



This week’s Maths home learning is to “multiplying and dividing by 10,100 and 1,000.”

  1. Click the Mangahigh button to go to the log-in page
  2. Click ‘Assignments’
  3. Click play

Watch the videos to have your own personal teacher at home.

Remember to do little and often (we recommend between 10 – 20 minutes a night).

Have the Wenlock Olympian mindset of going for gold!


Log into SpellingFrame to find the spellings for this week, which are the –tial and -cial suffixes we have been learning the last two weeks.

Practice/play as many games as you want for Spelling Points.

Do one test each night to measure your progress.

Although there are twelve words to practice, the test will only choose 5 of these words at random. Remember that Spelling Frame gives you multiple chances to learn the word if you make a mistake.

Optional: Fancy a Challenge?

Challenges are on-going and have no due date. If students would like to show their creations, please tell their teacher so they can arrange a time for them to do a show and tell!

  • Log-on to Purple Mash and finish our coding lessons or create a new program from scratch!
  • Read this extract from Room 13 and create your own spooky opening, ready for Halloween!
  • Create some Halloween decorations and take photos for a portfolio
  • Use watercolours to create a spooky Friday the 13th scene
  • Autumn will soon be upon us. Get outside and create posters for Nursery and Reception on the ‘Signs of Autumn’

“Preparation for tomorrow is hard work today.” – Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee - IMDb


Arete Day 4 – The Surge to the Finish Line

“I am going to do it. If I say no, you need to force me to do it.” Willow, Year 6, Dedicated Gap Squeezer

Well… As we tuck ourselves in to our beds for what will be the final time, we reflect on what has been an absolute blinder of a last (full) day.

Mr Greenwood and Dan took their group rafting across the stunning Menai Straits, complete with pancakes and a hot chocolate.

Miss Wells, Mr Richards, Ben and Vito took their groups climbing up Lion’s Rock and finished with a stunning walk around Cwm Idwal. We filled our water bottles in the fresh springs, skimmed rocks across the lake and were surrounding by astounding scenery, which rivalled that of home.

A word from Mr Richards, Miss Wells and Mr Greenwood:

We are incredibly proud of our students here at Much Wenlock Primary School. These Year 6 pupils are incredibly precious and special to us. Over the last week, they have continued to amaze and surprise us with their resilience, determination and attitude. We thank all of the staff at Arete Residential for spotting their potential, guiding them and pushing them this week.


Arete Day 3 – Lion’s Rock Conquered

It’s Wednesday and we are halfway through our expedition. We continue to bash down any challenge in front of us. Whilst we look forward to home (the pasta Bolognese tonight definitely stirred up some familiarities of home), we are having the best time in North Wales.

Today, we got the sunshine and two groups went coasteering around the coast of Anglesey, whilst another group went and climbed Lion’s Rock. The climb left the group with a stunning view of Holyhead to the West (we knew the other two groups were there but we couldn’t spot them) and Snowdon to the East. Check out the photos at the summit of the rock and you can see Snowdon behind!

We have one more full day of activities left, then one more sleep and we will be on our return home.

All is quiet in the house tonight… I think the activities are tiring us out!

Arete Day 2 – The Challenge Begins…

“*Sigh*… Well, guess I’m doing this then.” Jack, Year 6, Professional Cliff Jumper

Day 2. Coasteering. Gorge walking. Rock climbing. Bosh!

After our wake up call at 7AM (not really needed as most of us were already awake and raring to go) we dived into a wonderful breakfast of sausage and hash brown – perfect fuel for the day ahead.

One group went coasteering with Dan and Morgan (the instructors). We had a brilliant time climbing around the coast of Anglesey, jumping into little rock pools, swimming between the islands and, finally, doing some MASSIVE jumps!

With Mr Greenwood and Vito, we did some coastal traversing. This meant being on ropes, clambering across boulders and working together to navigate the coast.

The final group did gorge walking in their wellies. We walked along the lake firstly, then we dropped down, did some rope walks and finally walked back along the gorge.

The whole of Year 6 were an absolute credit to themselves and continue to stretch and push their own boundaries whilst supporting and helping each other out. They are a credit to themselves and the school! We do have some special mentions for some individuals:

Charlie S, who overcame every single challenge thrown in his way today. He dived into the sea, jumped off ledges and, all the while, being a constant source of motivation for his classmates around him.

Harvey, who did a great job of having a go at the biggest jump he has ever done. He described the feeling of jumping as his bones shaking in his body!

William, who just gave everything a go, listened intently to every instruction and communicated with his (new) classmates brilliantly!

Max and Reuben, who ensured that no person was left behind on their gorge walk.

Tom S, who continues to provide us with daily insights of wisdom. “My favourite sandwich is a BLT, without the L and the T… so just a B really!”

Evie S, who had the best scream for a jump.

Libby, who is just a beacon of calm for everyone, getting on with anything she comes across.

Catherine, who showed great determination on the rope walk. She was at the rear and helped everyone (including Mr Greenwood).

Rosie, who genuinely thought she was a otter in the sea.

We spare a thought for Ruben’s welly, which was unfortunately lost somewhere in Geirionydd Lake… (not to worry though as it belonged to Arete!)

Arete Day 1 – Making a Splash!

“If that was how good the first day was, just imagine how good the second day is going to be!” Ashton, Year 6

Wow! What an unbelievable first day! After waving our parents goodbye, we journeyed over the border to Caernarvon. Once we arrived at Arete, we made our beds, chowed down our lunch and headed out to Llanberis. Here, we donned our watersports gear, pumped up the rafts and traversed onto the lake. Lots of us decided to take an early bath in the lake! In the evening, we did a wonderful night walk of the local area, complete with a stunning view of the Welsh Hills! Stay tuned for more adventures tomorrow…


One more sleep until Arete!

One more sleep to go!

Tomorrow, Year 6 will be jetting off (in a coach) to North Wales, where they will be on their residential trip for one week. Remember to check your bags twice, three, four times to make sure you have what you need.

Mr Richards, Mr Greenwood and Miss Wells are incredibly excited to see you in the morning!