Home Learning 20.11.2023 – 24.11.2023

Please find information regarding this week’s home learning, set on Monday 20th November and due on Thursday 24th.

Students – try to log-on each evening, the earlier the better. A little practice a day, goes a long way.


This week’s Maths home learning is follows on from our learning in class on rounding, by looking at division, with remainders.

  1. Click the Mangahigh button to go to the log-in page
  2. Click ‘Assignments’
  3. Click play

Watch the videos to have your own personal teacher at home.

Remember to do little and often (we recommend between 10 – 20 minutes a night).

Have the Wenlock Olympian mindset of going for gold!


Log into SpellingFrame to find the spellings for this week, which are words ending in -able and -ible.

Practice/play as many games as you want for Spelling Points.

Do one test each night to measure your progress.

Although there are twelve words to practice, the test will only choose 5 of these words at random. Remember that Spelling Frame gives you multiple chances to learn the word if you make a mistake.

Year 6 Home Learning 23.10.2023 – 25.10.2023



This week’s Maths home learning is follows on from our learning in class on rounding, by looking at estimating.

  1. Click the Mangahigh button to go to the log-in page
  2. Click ‘Assignments’
  3. Click play

Watch the videos to have your own personal teacher at home.

Remember to do little and often (we recommend between 10 – 20 minutes a night).

Have the Wenlock Olympian mindset of going for gold!


Log into SpellingFrame to find the spellings for this week, which are words ending in -ance and -ence.

Practice/play as many games as you want for Spelling Points.

Do one test each night to measure your progress.

Although there are twelve words to practice, the test will only choose 5 of these words at random. Remember that Spelling Frame gives you multiple chances to learn the word if you make a mistake.

Optional: Fancy a Challenge?

Challenges are on-going and have no due date. If students would like to show their creations, please tell their teacher so they can arrange a time for them to do a show and tell!

  • Log-on to Purple Mash and finish our coding lessons or create a new program from scratch!
  • Read this extract from Room 13 and create your own spooky opening, ready for Halloween!
  • Create some Halloween decorations and take photos for a portfolio
  • Use watercolours to create a spooky Friday the 13th scene
  • Autumn will soon be upon us. Get outside and create posters for Nursery and Reception on the ‘Signs of Autumn’

“Preparation for tomorrow is hard work today.” – Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee - IMDb


Year 6 Home Learning 16.10.2023 – 20.10.2023



This week’s Maths home learning is to “solving word problems using subtraction”

  1. Click the Mangahigh button to go to the log-in page
  2. Click ‘Assignments’
  3. Click play

Watch the videos to have your own personal teacher at home.

Remember to do little and often (we recommend between 10 – 20 minutes a night).

Have the Wenlock Olympian mindset of going for gold!


Log into SpellingFrame to find the spellings for this week, which go back to the -cial and -tial suffixes. There will be a quiz on these on Friday.

Practice/play as many games as you want for Spelling Points.

Do one test each night to measure your progress.

Although there are twelve words to practice, the test will only choose 5 of these words at random. Remember that Spelling Frame gives you multiple chances to learn the word if you make a mistake.

Optional: Fancy a Challenge?

Challenges are on-going and have no due date. If students would like to show their creations, please tell their teacher so they can arrange a time for them to do a show and tell!

  • Log-on to Purple Mash and finish our coding lessons or create a new program from scratch!
  • Read this extract from Room 13 and create your own spooky opening, ready for Halloween!
  • Create some Halloween decorations and take photos for a portfolio
  • Use watercolours to create a spooky Friday the 13th scene
  • Autumn will soon be upon us. Get outside and create posters for Nursery and Reception on the ‘Signs of Autumn’

“Preparation for tomorrow is hard work today.” – Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee - IMDb